Generative Strategy

Generating agency, enthusiasm, and innovation with strategy.

Strategy is not the consequence of planning, but the opposite - its starting point. - Henry Mintzberg

We live in times of uncertainty and complexity. Well, actually we always have. The only difference to past times is, that now we have the technological means to perceive this complexity.

Our trained approach is to look for solutions. After all we've been brought up and educated that the world, and its problems, can all be solved when just having the right amount of data.

Only, complexity (or call it wicked problems, uncertainty, feel free) does not work that way.

Complexity is not an illness of our times, where we just have not found the right medicine yet.

Complexity is more like the revolutionary finding that the Earth is not the center of the universe, but revolves around a star, which is one of many.

Accepting this reality needs a mind shift.

Embracing complexity is a mind shift.

Thriving in this environment needs to apply this mind shift to our strategic efforts.

Introducing Generative Strategy, a framework by Simple Thinking poised to redefine how organizations and individuals envision, navigate, and build their futures. This approach goes beyond conventional strategic thinking, unlocking the latent potential within teams and fostering a culture of agency, creativity, and unbridled enthusiasm for what lies ahead.

Generative Strategy is not a static roadmap; it's a living, breathing entity that embraces the process nature of strategy —the continuity. Roadmaps work very well on stable ground. However, in the sea of emergence building a road is a senseless manoeuvre.

Generative Strategy seeks to act as a catalyst for transformation, inspiring organizations, and individuals to not only adapt to the evolving landscape but to learn how to shape it. Combining creative visionary thinking (and doing) and actionable, accountable steps, working with this framework sparks a sense of meaning and enthusiasm within teams, enabling them to grow beyond the limits of problem-solving into the realm of co-creation and limitless possibilities.

Imagine a strategy that not only charts a course for success but also nurtures a culture where every individual feels a profound sense of ownership and responsibility for the organization's destiny.

Generative Strategy does just that.

It integrates futures visioning, with strategic foresight, planning, and vision accounting - acknowledging and tapping into the unique potential of every team member. It's more than a blueprint; it's a dynamic force that fuels the collective imagination, sparking a ripple effect of innovation and enthusiasm that permeates every level of an organization.

At its core, Generative Strategy is about fostering a mindset.

By embracing the process nature of strategy, this framework acknowledges that the journey is as important as the destination. Organizations adopting Generative Strategy not only prepare for the eventualities of the space of possibilities but cultivate an environment where the pursuit of excellence becomes a shared journey rather than a distant destination. Generative Strategy not only supports organizations towards continuous innovation and resilience but also encourages a profound personal and collective evolution, aligning with the continuous emergence of new opportunities in the ever-expanding cosmos of strategic excellence.

Join us on this exciting exploration into the heart of enerative Strategy, where strategy isn't just a plan—it's a living, breathing force that embraces the continuity of the process, empowering individuals, igniting creativity, and fueling an unyielding passion for the limitless possibilities of the future. It's time to transcend the ordinary and embark on a journey where strategy isn't just a means to an end, but a powerful catalyst for a future defined by innovation, resilience, and boundless enthusiasm.

More articles by Eva: Medium

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